

jiuge 昨天 2
宠物长相一样吗英语;宠物长相一样吗英语翻译摘要: 1、pet 英 pet美 p#603tn 宠物生气受宠爱的人 adj 宠爱的 vt 宠爱 vi 生气爱抚 n Pet人名俄佩特柬贝 例句 即使不给你照看那些生病的小宠物,我生活里的...

1、pet 英 pet美 p#603tn 宠物生气受宠爱的人 adj 宠爱的 vt 宠爱 vi 生气爱抚 n Pet人名俄佩特柬贝 例句 即使不给你照看那些生病的小宠物,我生活里的麻烦事就已经够多了I have enough complication in my life without having to look after your si。


3、宠物用英语表示为pet,读音为英pet,美petpet解析如下一单词读音 英式发音pet美式发音p#603t二单词释义 n 宠物,爱畜宠儿,受宠者,宠儿 v 溺爱,宠爱轻抚 adj 宠爱的,心爱的 三词形变化 复数pets 形容词pettedpet过去式过去分词petting现在。

4、I have a lovely pet Its name is Wawa It’s a green male parrot It has two red eyes, an orange mouth, two big wings and a short tail Its whole body is green, but the feather under its wings is red and the edge of its tail is golden Is it very beautiful。

5、pet pet petn宠物, 受宠爱的人, 不悦 adj宠爱的, 亲昵的 vt宠爱 vi拥抱, 爱抚, 生气, 发脾气。


7、经常陪他玩玩游戏,让它出去旅游,这都可以提高它的心情值的,从而它会长得更快更健康! 照顾宠物coco英语作文 One day,when I went home after schoolI met a foreigner and he looked very worriedI walked ahead and asked him what happenedHe said he lost his way and did not know how to go to。

8、阿拉斯加雪撬犬 Alaskan Malamute The Alaskan Malamute is a large breed of domestic dog Canis lupus familiaris originally bred for hauling heavy freight because of their strength and endurance, and later an Alaskansled dog They are similar to other arctic breeds, like the Green。

9、I have a naughty cute puppyThe dog has a white hair,a dog run,like a snowball rolling in the groupA pair of YuanLiuLiu and sharp eyes hidden in long hairs,a pair of ears warily listen all around the suspicious soundThe dog also has a pair of sharp claws,tail to。

10、夸朋友家的宠物狗漂亮It#x27s so cute 好可爱啊 It#x27s adorable 好可爱呀还可以这样夸How cute! 真可爱·That#x27s a cute dog 这只狗很可爱·A 啊,他太可爱了。

11、供玩赏的动物, 爱畜, 宠物 宠儿, 宝贝儿 caress a pet 抚摸爱畜 the spoiled pet of a wealthy family 娇生惯养的富家宠儿 He keeps a dog as a pet他养一只狗供玩赏What a perfect pet of a dress!多可爱的一件衣服!He is the teacher#39s pet他是教师宠爱的学生She is a。


13、这是你家小狗吗英语Is this your puppy?狗拉丁学名Canis lupus familiaris属于食肉目犬科动物,中文亦称“犬”,与马牛羊猪鸡并称传统“六畜”有科学家认为狗是由早期人类从灰狼驯化而来,驯养时间在4万年前~15万年前,是饲养率最高的宠物,其寿命在12~18年在中国文化中。

14、长相的英语是appearanceappearance,名词,表示外貌,外观出现,露面等含义双语例句 1她会拿她的长相开玩笑She would joke about her appearance2依我看他们的长相一模一样They look precisely the same to me3他长相好有魅力,总走好运He has good looks and charm, and。

15、I have got two baby cats They are very beautiful One is yellow The other is white They are very lovely The yellow cat is very naughty He likes to play with people He often runs here and there His favourite game is playing with balls, ropes and stones But the。

16、Are they wearing the same clothes?他们穿一样的衣服吗?现在进行时 Do they wear the same clothes? 他们穿一样的衣服吗?一般现在时 They wear the same clothes他们穿一样的衣服。


作者:jiuge本文地址:http://www.4ji.net/98736.html发布于 昨天
