

jiuge 37分钟前 2
我奶奶自制美食英文;我奶奶自制美食英文作文摘要: 在刚刚过去的五一小长假之际,我回乡下看望了久违的奶奶刚下车,我心中那股蕴藏已久的喜悦倏地涌上心头我怀揣着亢奋的心情跑进奶奶的房间,刚要张口叫奶奶,却欲言又止奶奶躺在床上睡着了,我走...

在刚刚过去的五一小长假之际,我回乡下看望了久违的奶奶刚下车,我心中那股蕴藏已久的喜悦倏地涌上心头我怀揣着亢奋的心情跑进奶奶的房间,刚要张口叫奶奶,却欲言又止奶奶躺在床上睡着了,我走到床边,不忍心吵醒奶奶,于是仔细地端详着奶奶慈祥的容颜 彼时,奶奶醒了,奶奶的睡意一直很浅,我知道那是小时。

篇一奶奶带来的菜 The Food Grandma Brings Today, my grandma comes to visit us, because she misses me so much My grandma lives in a ***all villiage, she likes the life there and refuses to move out She will grow some food and she enjoys it She will bring the fresh。

1 描写我的奶奶包括神态,动作,外貌,语言150字作文 岁月不饶人,转眼间,奶奶已经是一位白发苍苍的老人了但是她却像姑娘一样心灵手巧,带给我们全家人许多快乐与感动 三岁时的我最快乐,因为奶奶经常跟我在一块儿,陪我玩,逗我笑也时不时的陪我出去散散心在奶奶的带领下,我走过了棉田,走遍了花园走近了。

我的奶奶My GrannyThe one I love best is my granny The one who loves me best is also my granny She is so kind that everyone who knows her likes her very much But I#39m sorry to say that my dear granny got cancerIt was a cold day, but my heart was even。

My grandparents lived in ***all houses and they went around by bus They didn#39t have tv , they didn#39t have computers games, they talked to each other and read books We have better living condition now。

英文Dumpling is a traditional chinese food On the lunar new year#39 s day, most families make a lot of delicious dumplings To make them, follow this easy process The first step is to mix the flour with water when the dough is ready, we can begin to make dumpling。


作者:jiuge本文地址:http://www.4ji.net/98730.html发布于 37分钟前
