Spicy Hot Pot, also known as Sichuan Hot Pot, is a traditional Chinese snack hailing from...
Spicy Hot Pot, also known as Sichuan Hot Pot, is a traditional Chinese snack hailing from Sichuan Province Its defining feature is the rich and flavorful soup base that entices with its aroma and satisfies with its taste This dish allows patrons to choose from a variety of eas。
1,炒河粉,Sautéed Rice Noodles 炒河粉是广东省广州市著名的传统风味小吃,属于广州小吃,后来传至广东各地制作原料有河粉猪肉 鸡蛋各种青菜 等2,宫保鸡丁,Kung Pao Chicken 宫保鸡丁,是一道闻名中外的特色传统名菜鲁菜川菜贵州菜中都有收录,原料做法有差别该菜式的起源与鲁菜。