

jiuge 51分钟前 2
用英语介绍做美食过程;用英语介绍做美食过程作文摘要: 第1步,先用水和面,和面盆要大些,以免水和面溢出用手揉面团,直到不粘手为止和好面以后,将做饺馅第2步,剁肉馅,将蘑菇和虾米搅拌成糊状,放入调味品如姜葱,并把馅搅匀第3步,做饺皮用擀...

第1步,先用水和面,和面盆要大些,以免水和面溢出用手揉面团,直到不粘手为止和好面以后,将做饺馅第2步,剁肉馅,将蘑菇和虾米搅拌成糊状,放入调味品如姜葱,并把馅搅匀第3步,做饺皮用擀面杖擀出一张张直径为两英寸的圆饺皮第4步,把馅放入饺皮中,捏紧饺皮,一个饺子就;作文思路作文详细描述了寿司从准备原料,到整个制作过程,到最后制作完成的步骤首先,将米放入电饭煲中,水量与米量的比例为11,煮好的米饭先不要开锅,可以先等一下,然后再开锅,让饭闷个10至15分钟First, put the rice into the electric cooker, the ratio of water and rice is 11。

英语用5至10句话描写做一道食物的过程Sandwich is a very popular food because it is easy to make and to bring with you Adding ham, a piece of lettuce, a few of cutting cucumbers or tomatoes between two pieces of breads is a normal procedure to make sandwich Simple like that;You can also toast your bread第一步,准备面包,白麦或者黑麦面包,可以使卷状或者圆饼状的,一个完整的三明治需要2片薄的面包片,当然你也可以用一片面包做一半三明治,你也可以用事先烤过的面包片2,Next,choose a spread that will make the bread stick together Margarine, butter, mayonnaise or avocado。

Mapo doufu, one of sichuan#39s traditional dishes, belongs to sichuan cuisine麻婆豆腐,是四川省传统名菜之一,属于川菜The main raw materials for the ingredients and tofu, the main materials are tofu, ground beef, pepper and pepper and so on主要原料为配料和豆腐,材料主要有;New Year#39s Eve dinner is not so easy to make , this year I help make New Year#39s Eve dinner together Remove the prepared New Year#39s Eve ingredients from the refrigerator and thaw them Ginger slices , cooking wine , garlic segments , and shallots are washed and placed in。

fold and seal the edges together Boil the dumplings in boiling water until they float to the surface Finally, drain and serve with your favorite dipping sauce做饺子是中国传统的饮食文化以下是制作饺子的步骤首先,准备切碎肉和蔬菜的馅料其次,制作面团并将其擀成薄圆形在每个圆形;写作思路把做三明治的四个步骤用英语写下来1The key is how to deal with the slice of toast Put a piece of toast on the chopping board, mark a box with the tip of a knife about one centimeter along the edge of the bread, and take out the slice in the middleCut 3。

My favorite dish is steaming fish It is not difficult to make it First you clean the fish and cut on its body, but don#39t cut it through Next you place it in a plate and put some salt, soy sauce some jinger 生姜on the fish and wait for about 5 minutes Then。


1、现在你可以享受美味的自助美食做三明治的过程 Last Sunday I went to see my aunt with my brother My aunt made some beef sandwiches for us They were very delicious After lunch, I asked my aunt to teach me how to make a beef sandwichFirst, she put a teaspoon of butter on。

2、Mix cabbage Ingredients soy sauce, cabbage half kilogram of sugarfifth of the five money sesame oil salt, half a penny Method Wash the cabbage stripped of foreign help, straight knife cut into inch long, half inch wide broken section 23 minutes into the cooking water picked。

3、1西红柿炒蛋 ingredients1 2 eggs 14 t salt pinch of pepper 2 3 tomotoes, cut in chunks 18 t salt 1 c water 2 t ketchup 1 t cornstarch chopped spring onion method1 Beat the eggs lightly Add ingredient 1 tablespoon of oil in the wok Sti。



GUI ZHOU#39S DUMPLING 贵州的饺子 Jiaozichinese Dumpling is a traditional chinese food ,which is essention during holidays in nor thern chinaChinese dumpling becomes one of the most widely love food in chinaChinese dumpling is one of the most important foods in chinese new year。

首先先把蔬菜或水果洗干净,然后切开放入碗里随后在碗里加入沙拉酱并搅拌均匀,完成蔬菜沙拉 蔬菜沙拉是一道 以圆白菜番茄黄瓜等作为主要食材制作而成的美食蔬菜沙拉是一种非常营养健康的饮食方法首先它大多不必加热,这样会最大限度的保持住蔬菜中的各种营养不至于被破坏或流失做蔬菜沙拉时。

Come and try it, you is it right? Want to taste so delicious food?翻译中国的水饺美味可口,深受人们喜爱近年来,许多西方国家的家庭在中国农历的“大年初一”都要制作饺子那么现在,就让我来为大家介绍一下水饺的制作过程吧首先,取出一个盘子一些蔬菜适当的肉把蔬菜切成小丁,再把。

初二英语作***某种食物的制作步骤篇1 How to make Jiaozi,or dumplings with meat and vegetable fillingsFirst ,you should chop the meat into tiny pieces ,then add salt,sesame oil,soy sauce,ginger,Chinese cabbage if you likeMix thoroughly the ingredients and meat fillingIn a big。


作者:jiuge本文地址:http://www.4ji.net/106681.html发布于 51分钟前
