

jiuge 6分钟前 2
用美食制作爆米花英语;用美食制作爆米花英语怎么说摘要: 爆米花英语读法英音#712p#594pk#596n,美音#712pɑpk#596rn;First, put the popcorn into the popcorn popper...

爆米花英语读法英音#712p#594pk#596n,美音#712pɑpk#596rn;First, put the popcorn into the popcorn popper Next turn the popperWait for one or two minutes Then turn off the popper and put the popcorn into a bowl You can add some salt on the popcorn At last, please enjoy it。

Most of the children enjoy having pop cornsEven some grownups take pop corns as their snackBut not everybody know how to make or cook itIquotd like to give you some tips on how to make it by yourselfFirst,you can buy some raw material which is usually freezed in the;“爆米花”在英文中的表达为“popcorn”,它是一种以玉米为原料的小吃,通常在电影院游乐场和娱乐场所等场所销售爆米花是一种低脂肪高纤维的食品,适合作为零食或小吃在英语中,“popcorn”这个词的发音为p#594pk#596#720n,其中“pop”发p#594p音,表示“噼啪声”。

问题二爆米花用英语怎么说 爆米花 popcorn 问题三“爆米花”英语怎么说 popcorn 英?p?pk?n 美?ppk?rnn 爆米花 保护物品的小片 例句He still stood behind his cash register stuffing his mouth with popcorn他仍站在收银机后,嘴里塞满了爆米花问题四爆米花的;词语翻译英语puffedrice,popcorn法语popcorn四网络解释爆米花膨化食品爆米花Popcorn是用玉米酥油糖一起放进爆米花的机器里做成的一种膨化食品,味道比较甜取适量的玉米或大米小米放入爆花锅内,并封好顶盖,再把爆米锅放在火炉上不断转动使之均匀受热后,就可爆出爆米花来。

1, in the supermarket to buy a bag of microwave popcorn, open the plastic bag, put inside the flat bag into the microwave oven, attention will be indicated by the bag on the quotthis side upquot side, close the door2, the microwave oven fire to maximum, time temporarily set t;Next,take a frying pan and a fitting lid Put some of my vaseline grease canola oil for example in it to make sure your corns won#39t stick to your panWait until the pan is hotyou can add 1 or 2kernels to the pan as it heats up when they pop, the pan is。

爆米花英语popcornpopcorn的读音英_p_pk_n, 美_pɑpk_rn n 爆米花 保护物品的小片大量用于包装及运输中保护物品的一种小片,如聚苯乙烯 淡黄色 例句He still stood behind his cash register stuffing his mouth with popcorn他仍站在收银机后,嘴里塞满。


倒入适量的白砂糖,然后把热腾腾的爆米花搅拌一下,直到大部分的爆米花粘在一起,就OK了 英语The corn kernels, clean water, and then find a cerned microwave dish, because when detonation corn corn will pop up, so find a slightly heavier little dishes to wash it cleaned, the。

炒玉米用英语翻译过来可以这么写Fried corn,见下图百度翻译。

“爆米花”英语表示为popcorn,读音为英#39p#594pk#596#720n,美#39pɑ#720pk#596#720rnpopcorn解析如下一读音 英式发音#712p#594pk#596#720n 美式发音#712pɑ#720pk#596#720rn 二释义 n 爆米花 三词形变化 复数。


1、1Prepare a large clean glass or ceramic bowl which is Appropriate for the microwave corn grain into the bowl ,reaching half of the capacity3 Put a ***all piece of butter into the bowl,30g or so,and churn up for a momentif you want it to be bioled swee。

2、关于制作爆米花的作文爆米花是小孩子非常喜欢吃的食物,但是制作起来很困难可以翻译为Popcorn is a favorite food of children, but it is difficult to make。

3、“爆米花”英语表示为popcorn,读音为英#39p#x0252pk#x0254#x02D0n,美#39pɑ#x02D0pk#x0254#x02D0rn popcorn解析如下 一读音 英式发音#x02C8p#x0252pk#x0254#x02D0n 美式发音#x02C8pɑ#x02D0pk#x0254#x02D0rn 二释义 n 爆米花 三词形变化 复数popcorns 四常用短语 popcorn machine 爆米花机 popcorn bucket 爆米花。


作者:jiuge本文地址:http://www.4ji.net/100902.html发布于 6分钟前
